Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Crochet Update
I've been having a harder time motivating myself to crochet but non the less I have finally made enough that I'm comfortable making a craft update.
Do have a look at the video to see everything and in more detail :)

I recycled the YouTube thumbnail as I am waayy too tired to try and make anything. The way I edited and filmed was also different and I'm not too sure how I feel about it, I will try and improve my skills for the future but think I will stick with the normal still shots and talking for now.

I've got other things in the update but currently don't have any photos for them.
I hope that these can give you ideas and inspiration to crochet.
All of these  were my own pattern so please do not claim them as your own.
Happy Crafting guys, Kim <3

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

An update on my life. I usually go on one holiday around the start of every year and this year I decided to go to Fiji. It was only for 5 nights, hoped it would've lasted at least a week but the friends I went couldn't take that much leave off work :( It was super fun though and the highlight of it all was definitely the lobster. I've never had lobster before in my life, it's way too expensive in Australia but this was cheap and tasted magnificent. Not to mention they made the tuna steak taste like beef steak; amazing!

It was so good we booked an earlier cruise back to the mainland (we stayed at a resort island) just to have it again~ I experienced snorkling and banana boat ride for the first time and it was great. A big let down was the resort island's buffet meals. I'm a big foodie when it comes to travel and dear lord was the buffet food bad. Dinner was $65FJ about $38AU and there wasn't one thing that I could have said tasted decent...the breakfast was only $35FJ and still didn't taste so good but A LOT cheaper not to mention you could order omelettes which tasted quite nice. Anywho I'm blabbing...Ever since getting back I've been in major lazy mode...

 I've been very unproductive as of late and my workspace is in total chaos. This happens much too often...
I have however made a short animation using stick figures. I feel like I could've been more clean but still proud seeing at it's my first proper animation with voiceovers and all. I knew that animation takes a long time but my attention span is really short so even using stick figures and recycled frames it still felt like a gazillion years to finish. I hope you guys take a look.

I hope to get my life on track and start making more tutorials and crafts to show you guys. In the mean time stay crafty ^^